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Working House Fire in Holloway Terrace Local

Working House Fire in Holloway Terrace Local On March 24, 2023, at 2:06PM, Engine 22 and Assistant Chief 22 responded to assist Holloway Terrace Fire Company on a working house fire in the 200 block of Keizer Place. Engine 22 arrived as the first due engine, established a water supply, and stretched on a 1-story,… Continue reading Working House Fire in Holloway Terrace Local

Bedroom Fire in Brandywine Hundred

Bedroom Fire in Brandywine Hundred On March 15, 2023, at approximately 2:20PM, Engine 22 responded to assist Brandywine Hundred Fire Company on a house fire in box area 1120. 11-8 arrived to find a smoke condition from an active bedroom fire. Engine 22 arrived as the second due engine and stretched a hand line off… Continue reading Bedroom Fire in Brandywine Hundred

Swanwyck Estates House Fire 04.03.2023

Swanwyck Estates House Fire 04.03.2023 On April 3, 2023, at 11:05pm, Minquadale and mutual aid companies were dispatched to a reported house fire in the Swanwyck Estates community.  While responding, NCC Fireboard gave an updated report of “subjects trapped”.  Engine 22 arrived as the first due engine with smoke showing from the residence.  The crew… Continue reading Swanwyck Estates House Fire 04.03.2023

Minquas House Fire 04.03.2023

Assist Minquas Fire Company on House Fire On April 3, 2023, at 5:55pm, Engine 22 was dispatched to assist Minquas Fire Company on a house fire. Engine 22 arrived as the 3rd due engine, forward laid from a secondary hydrant, and stretched a 300′ hand line. E-22 crew helped with overhaul for a short period… Continue reading Minquas House Fire 04.03.2023

House Fire in Dunleith 04.03.2023

House Fire in Dunleith 04.03.2023 On April 3, 2023, Minquadale Fire Company along with mutual aid companies were dispatched to a house fire in the Dunleith community. Engine 22 arrived as the first due engine to find a two-story, single-family dwelling with smoke showing.  E-22 established a water supply and placed a 200′ hand line… Continue reading House Fire in Dunleith 04.03.2023

Brush Fire at Battery Park

Brush Fire at Battery Park On March 31, 2023, at approximately 10:30PM, Minquadale was alerted for 22-1 (Brush Truck) to assist Good Will Fire Company on an outside fire, as requested by Chief 18. The fire was located along the beach of the Battery Park trail. 22-1 and Assistant Chief 22 arrived and assisted with… Continue reading Brush Fire at Battery Park

Minquadale Purchases New Rescue Engine

Minquadale Purchases New Rescue Engine We are proud to announce the order of our new Pierce Rescue Engine: -Pierce Saber 70″ Chassis -Front & Side Airbags – Cummins L9, 450 HP Engine -Hale 1500 GPM Pump -750 Gallon Water Tank -171″ Low Hosebed Rescue Body -Whelen Scene Lighting

3-Alarm Fire in Odessa

3-Alarm Fire in Odessa On March 11, 2023, just after 4AM, Engine 22 and Deputy 22 made the response for the 3rd alarm assignment for a working fire in Odessa Fire Company’s local. Deputy 22, who responded from the area, arrived on scene of a wind driven fire in three houses.  Deputy 22 had command until… Continue reading 3-Alarm Fire in Odessa

Motor Vehicle Crash with Entrapment

Motor Vehicle Crash with Entrapment Just after 7AM on Friday, February 24, 2023, Engine 22 responded to assist Holloway Terrace on a motor vehicle crash with reported entrapment on New Castle Avenue at Rodney Drive. Battalion 20 arrived and confirmed one person was trapped. Engine 22 arrived on scene and assisted with extrication the patient.… Continue reading Motor Vehicle Crash with Entrapment

Assist Good Will Fire With MVC

Assist Good Will Fire With MVC On February 17, 2023, at approximately 9:50PM, Engine 22 assisted Station 18 on a motor vehicle crash with multiple subjects trapped. Engine 22 arrived on scene and assisted with extrication of occupants from both vehicles. Rescue 23 and Rescue Engine 28 also made the response.