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Community Outreach

Minquadale Fire Company’s district covers the following communities: Minquadale East and West, Overview Gardens, Garfield Park, Oakmont, Dunleith, Swanwyck Estates, Swanwyck Gardens, Arbor Place, Fernhook, and Clearview Manor.  For more information on your community, reach out to your local civic association.  

Swanwyck Estates Civic Association

President Edwin Rosa

2nd Thursday of Month 7PM

Police & Fire Rod & Gun Club

100 Linstone Avenue

New Castle, DE 19720

Overview Gardens / Garfield Park Civic Association

President Lee Jarmin

3rd Thursday of Month 7PM

Garfield Park PAL Center

26 Karlyn Drive

New Castle, DE 19720

Oakmont Civic Association

President James Parker
2nd Monday of Month 7PM
De La Warr Service Center
500 Rogers Road
New Castle, DE 19720

Dunleith Civic Association

President Sandra Smithers
3rd Monday of Month 7PM
De La Warr Service Center
500 Rogers Road 
New Castle, DE 19720

Minquadale Civic Association

President David Trincia
4th Thursday of Month 7PM
Minquadale Fire Hall
129 East Hazeldell Avenue
New Castle, DE 19720